

News Coverage

October 24, 2023
MGHPCC to Feature HPC-Enabled Research Projects at SC23
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September 18, 2022
Holyoke computing center expansion assures its leadership role for years to come (Editorial)
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September 12, 2022
MGHPCC Expands Facility with $5M Investment
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September 8, 2022
$5M expansion of Holyoke computing center planned by universities
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September 6, 2022
Local companies continue to feel better about the economy
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November 16, 2021
URI joins Massachusetts computing consortium
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November 16, 2021
U of Rhode Island Partners with the Massachusetts Green HPC Center
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November 12, 2021
MGHPCC Explores Strategies at SC21 to Increase HPC Access and Collaboration
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July 21, 2021
Featured at PEARC21 Outlines Expansion of Cyberinfrastructure Portal
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July 6, 2021
Facing a fear leads to love for the language of computing
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June 16, 2021
Harnessing an important resource
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September 21, 2020
HPEC: Tools to Expand High Performance Research Computing to be Explored at Regional Conference
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August 20, 2020
Op-ed: The most important scientific job you’ve never heard of
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July 14, 2020
Research Computing Q&A Site to be Examined at PEARC20
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July 14, 2020
Northeast Cyberteam to Offer Lessons Learned from ‘Birds of a Feather’ Paper at PEARC20
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April 22, 2020
MGHPCC Expands Computing Access To Researchers Working On COVID-19
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April 16, 2020
MGHPCC Expands Computing Access To Researchers Working On COVID-19
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April 15, 2020
MGHPCC Expands Computing Access To Researchers Working On COVID-19
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August 27, 2019
MIT Prepares for Satori…and a New 2 Petaflops Computer Too
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April 29, 2019
Three Massachusetts Biotech Companies Leverage MGHPCC
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February 7, 2019
Viewpoint: High-performance computing center is asset worth recognizing
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October 31, 2018
‘Ask’ Q&A for Scientific Researchers to be Demonstrated at SC18
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September 10, 2018
Northeast Cyberteam Initiative and XSEDE Campus Champions Program Crowd-Source Name of New Q&A Platform
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July 11, 2018
Northeast Cyberteam Initiative, XSEDE Campus Champions Program to Launch National Research Computing Q&A Platform at PEARC18
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June 25, 2018
MGHPCC to Participate in NSF-Funded Nationwide Data Storage Network
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February 12, 2018
Northeast Cyberteam Initiative Announces Measures to Help Researchers at Colleges and Universities Leverage HPC Resources
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February 2, 2018
Smaller colleges get to plug into power of high performance computing center in Holyoke
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October 24, 2017
Searching for Life around the Stars
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June 1, 2016
Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center to Expand
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April 1, 2016
Holyoke aims for long-term revival
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February 25, 2016
Holyoke’s high performance computing center to show ‘experimental’ solar facility
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October 1, 2015
Solar excitement
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September 14, 2015
Massachusetts Green High Computing Center to Co-Sponsor Event on Research Computing
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September 3, 2015
Holyoke high performance computing center nears 3rd anniversary
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September 30, 2013
Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center earns top energy rating
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July 9, 2012
Building an energy-efficient data center
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July 8, 2012
New data center focuses on using less energy
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Press Releases

June 12, 2024
Mayor Announces Recipient of MGHPCC Scholarship
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October 23, 2023
MGHPCC to Feature HPC-Enabled Research Projects at SC23
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June 9, 2023
Mayor Announces Recipient of MGHPCC Scholarship
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October 18, 2022
MGHPCC to Feature HPC-Enabled Research Projects at SC22
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September 8, 2022
MGHPCC Members Expand Facility to Meet Demand for Research Computing
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May 26, 2022
Mayor Announces Recipient of MGHPCC Scholarship
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April 25, 2022
MGHPCC Part of Team Reimagining CI User Support
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November 6, 2021
MGHPCC Explores Strategies at SC21 to Increase HPC Access and Collaboration: Co-leads Two Birds of a Feather Sessions
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July 20, 2021
Paper Outlines Expansion of Cyberinfrastructure Portal
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June 23, 2021
Mayor Announces Recipients of MGHPCC Scholarships
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February 12, 2021
Northeast Cyberteam Initiative Announces Measures to Help Researchers at Small and Mid-Size N.E. Colleges and Universities Leverage All-Important High Performance Computing Resources
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November 16, 2020
Breadth, Depth and Scientific Value of Computational Research in NE on Display at SC20
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September 21, 2020
Tools to Expand High Performance Research Computing to be Explored at Regional Conference
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July 13, 2020
Research Computing Q&A Site to be Examined at PEARC20
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July 13, 2020
Regional Research Computing Collaboration to be Explored at PEARC20
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June 5, 2020
Mayor Announces Winners of MGHPCC Scholarships
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April 16, 2020
MGHPCC Expands High Performance Computing Access to Researchers Working on COVID-19
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July 29, 2019
Northeast CyberTeam to Host two “Birds of a Feather” Sessions at PEARC19
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June 16, 2019
Mayor Announces Winners of MGHPCC Scholarships
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April 29, 2019
Three Massachusetts Biotech Companies Leverage MGHPCC
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September 10, 2018
Have a Research Computing Question? Just “Ask”
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July 23, 2018
MGHPCC Receives Grant from PeoplesBank to Provide Unique Summer Camp Experience Combining Sport and Computer Programming
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July 21, 2017
MGHPCC Receives Grant from Community Foundation of Western Mass. to Create Summer Camp Experience Combining Watersports and Computer Programming
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March 27, 2017
MGHPCC Generated $4.4M in Economic Activity, Engaged Hundreds of Students in Tech in 2016
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February 24, 2016
MGHPCC, Universities and City of Holyoke to Launch New England’s First Experimental, Solar-Powered Data Center
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September 30, 2013
MGHPCC Becomes First University Research Data Center Awarded LEED® Platinum Certification
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September 27, 2013
City of Holyoke, MGHPCC Unveil Historical Gearwheel and Interpretive Panel Outside Data Center
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February 28, 2013
MGHPCC Receives $4.54 Million Grant from MLSC for Computer System for Life Sciences Research
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Research projects

Dusty With a Chance of Star Formation
Checking the Medicine Cabinet to Interrupt COVID-19 at the Molecular Level
Not Too Hot, Not Too Cold But Still, Is It Just Right?​
Smashing Discoveries​
Microbiome Pattern Hunting
Modeling the Air we Breathe
Exploring Phytoplankton Diversity
The Computer Will See You Now
Computing the Toll of Trapped Diamondback Terrapins
Edging Towards a Greener Future
Physics-driven Drug Discovery
Modeling Plasma-Surface Interactions
Sensing Subduction Zones
Neural Networks & Earthquakes
Small Stars, Smaller Planets, Big Computing
Data Visualization using Climate Reanalyzer
Getting to Grips with Glassy Materials
Modeling Molecular Engines
Forest Mapping: When the Budworms come to Dinner
Exploring Thermoelectric Behavior at the Nanoscale
The Trickiness of Talking to Computers
A Genomic Take on Geobiology
From Grass to Gas
Teaching Computers to Identify Odors
From Games to Brains
The Trouble with Turbulence
A New Twist
A Little Bit of This… A Little Bit of That..
Looking Like an Alien!
Locking Up Computing
Modeling Supernovae
Sound Solution
Lessons in a Virtual Test Tube​
Crack Computing
Automated Real-time Medical Imaging Analysis
Towards a Smarter Greener Grid
Heading Off Head Blight
Organic Light-Harvesting Antennae
Art and AI
Excited by Photons
Tapping into an Ocean of Data
Computing Global Change
Star Power
Engineering the Human Microbiome
Computing Social Capital
Computers Diagnosing Disease
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Collaborative projects

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Outreach & Education Projects

See ALL Scholarships
100 Bigelow Street, Holyoke, MA 01040