
February Publications

March 2, 2020

Below is a selection of papers that appeared in February 2020  reporting the results of research using the Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center (MGHPCC), or acknowledging the use of Harvard’s Odyssey or Cannon Clusters, Northeastern’s Discovery Cluster, the Boston University Shared Computing Cluster and MIT’s Engaging Cluster all of which are housed at the MGHPCC.

Weronika Jasinska, Michael Manhart, Jesse Lerner, Louis Gauthier, Adrian W. R. Serohijos and Shimon Bershtein (2020), Chromosomal barcoding of E. coli populations reveals lineage diversity dynamics at high resolution, Nat Ecol Evol, doi: 10.1038/s41559-020-1103-z
Dibyendu Kumar Das, Uriel Bulow, William E. Diehl, Natasha D. Durham, Fernando Senjobe, Kartik Chandran, Jeremy Luban, James B. Munro (2020), Conformational changes in the Ebola virus membrane fusion machine induced by pH, Ca2+, and receptor binding, PLOS Biology, doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3000626
A. Soliman et al (2020), Optical Design and Characterization of 40-GHz Detector and Module for the BICEP Array, arXiv: 2002.05254 [astro-ph.IM]
T. St. Germaine et al (2020), Optical characterization of the Keck Array and BICEP3 CMB Polarimeters from 2016 to 2019, arXiv: 2002.05197 [astro-ph.IM]
Jun Takahashi and Anders W. Sandvik (2020), Valence-bond solids, vestigial order, and emergent SO(5) symmetry in a two-dimensional quantum magnet, arXiv: 2001.10045 [cond-mat.str-el]
Xiaowei Wang, Yuyu Li, Reyhaneh Toufanian, Leonard C. Kogos, Allison M. Dennis, Roberto Paiella (2020), Geometrically Tunable Beamed Light Emission from a Quantum‐Dot Ensemble Near a Gradient Metasurface, Advanced Optical Materials, doi: 10.1002/adom.201901951
Mahdieh Yazdani, Guohui Zhang, Zhiguang Jia, Jingyi Shi, Jianmin Cui, and Jianhan Chen (2020), Nonspecific Membrane Interactions Can Modulate BK Channel Activation, bioRxiv: 2020/02/06/2020.02.05.936161
C. Zhang et al (2020), Characterizing the Sensitivity of 40 GHz TES Bolometers for BICEP Array, arXiv:2002.05219 [astro-ph.IM]
Lei Zhang, Justin A. Reyes, Stefanos Kourtis, Claudio Chamon, Eduardo R. Mucciolo, and Andrei E. Ruckenstein (2020), Nonuniversal entanglement level statistics in projection-driven quantum circuits, arXiv: 2001.11428 [cond-mat.stat-mech]
Yong Zhang, He Yang, David Turra, Shiguo Zhou, Dilay Hazal Ayhan, Gregory A. DeIulio, Li Guo, Karen Broz, Nathan Wiederhold, Jeffrey J. Coleman, Kerry O’ Donnell, Ilan Youngster, Alexander J. McAdam, Sergey Savinov, Terrance Shea, Sarah Young, Qiandong Zeng, Martijn Rep, Eric Pearlman, David C. Schwartz, Antonio Di Pietro, H. Corby Kistler & Li-Jun Ma  (2020), The genome of opportunistic fungal pathogen Fusarium oxysporum carries a unique set of lineage-specific chromosomes, Nature Communications Biology, doi: 10.1038/s42003-020-0770-2
Do you have news about research using computing resources at the MGHPCC? If you have an interesting project that you want to tell people about or a paper you would like listed, contact


MGHPCC Publications

Research projects

Dusty With a Chance of Star Formation
Checking the Medicine Cabinet to Interrupt COVID-19 at the Molecular Level
Not Too Hot, Not Too Cold But Still, Is It Just Right?​
Smashing Discoveries​
Microbiome Pattern Hunting
Modeling the Air we Breathe
Exploring Phytoplankton Diversity
The Computer Will See You Now
Computing the Toll of Trapped Diamondback Terrapins
Edging Towards a Greener Future
Physics-driven Drug Discovery
Modeling Plasma-Surface Interactions
Sensing Subduction Zones
Neural Networks & Earthquakes
Small Stars, Smaller Planets, Big Computing
Data Visualization using Climate Reanalyzer
Getting to Grips with Glassy Materials
Modeling Molecular Engines
Forest Mapping: When the Budworms come to Dinner
Exploring Thermoelectric Behavior at the Nanoscale
The Trickiness of Talking to Computers
A Genomic Take on Geobiology
From Grass to Gas
Teaching Computers to Identify Odors
From Games to Brains
The Trouble with Turbulence
A New Twist
A Little Bit of This… A Little Bit of That..
Looking Like an Alien!
Locking Up Computing
Modeling Supernovae
Sound Solution
Lessons in a Virtual Test Tube​
Crack Computing
Automated Real-time Medical Imaging Analysis
Towards a Smarter Greener Grid
Heading Off Head Blight
Organic Light-Harvesting Antennae
Art and AI
Excited by Photons
Tapping into an Ocean of Data
Computing Global Change
Star Power
Engineering the Human Microbiome
Computing Social Capital
Computers Diagnosing Disease
All Research Projects

Collaborative projects

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Outreach & Education Projects

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