
April 2024 Publications

April 3, 2024

Galaxy luminosity? Chemoselective aerobic oxidation? Adaptive multiphoton microscopy acquisition? A selection of recent publications featuring research using the MGHPCC.

Aderinto, S.O. et al (2024), Iridium(III)-based minor groove binding complexes as DNA photocleavage agents, Dalton Transactions, doi: 10.1039/d4dt00171k 

Aichelman, Hannah E. et al (2024), Symbiosis modulates gene expression of symbionts, but not coral hosts, under thermal challenge, Molecular Ecology, doi: 10.1111/mec.17318 

Alqassar, J.D. (2024), A draft webbing clothes moth (Tineola bisselliella) genome sheds light on chromosomal evolution and keratinophagy, Boston University Masters Dissertation 

Arranz, G. et al (2024), Building-block flow model for computational fluids, arXiv: 2403.09000 [physics.flu-dyn] 

Bryan, J et al (2024), The intermittently-resonant coevolution of migrating planets and their pulsating star, arXiv:2403.08014v1 [astro-ph.EP]  

Cai, Grace et al (2024), Matrix confinement modulates 3D spheroid sorting and burst-like collective migration, Acta Biomaterialia, doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2024.03.007 

Chin, Samuel J. K. et al (2024), Learning to Deliver: a Foundation Model for the Montreal Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem, arXiv: 2403.00026v1 [cs.LG]  

Deng, Jiahua and Qiang Cui (2024), Efficient Sampling of Cavity Hydration in Proteins with Nonequilibrium Grand Canonical Monte Carlo and Polarizable Force Fields, J. Chem. Theory Comput., doi: 10.1021/acs.jctc.4c00013 

Dong, Zhihuan et al (2024), Stability of Anomalous Hall Crystals in multilayer rhombohedral graphene, arXiv:2403.07873v1 [cond-mat.str-el]  

Flores, Jonathan A. et al (2024), Mapping proglacial headwater streams in High Mountain Asia using PlanetScope imagery, Remote Sensing of Environment, doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2024.114124

Howard, N.T. et al (2024), Simultaneous reproduction of experimental profiles, fluxes, transport coefficients, and turbulence characteristics via nonlinear gyrokinetic profile predictions in a DIII-D ITER similar shape plasma featured, Physics of Plasmas, doi: 10.1063/5.0175792 

Kay, J. et al (2024), Align and Distill: Unifying and Improving Domain Adaptive Object Detection, arXiv:2403.12029 [cs.CV]  

Khan, Omeir et al (2024), Expanding FTMap for Fragment-Based Identification of Pharmacophore Regions in Ligand Binding Sites, J. Chem. Inf. Model., doi: 10.1021/acs.jcim.3c01969 

Kitt, M.I. et al (2024), Chemoselective Aerobic Oxidation of Alcohols Utilizing a Vanadium(V) Catalyst, ACS Catalysis, doi: 10.1021/acscatal.3c05638

Lai, Rui et al (2024), Flexibility of Binding Site is Essential to the Ca2+ Selectivity in EF-Hand Calcium-Binding Proteins, J. Am. Chem. Soc., doi: 10.1021/jacs.3c13981 

Mishra-Sharma, S et al (2024), PAPERCLIP: Associating Astronomical Observations and Natural Language with Multi-Modal Models, arXiv: 2403.08851 [astro-ph.IM] 

Petrov, Artem et al (2024), Simple Calibration of Block Copolymer Melt Models, arXiv:2402.18760 [cond-mat.soft]  

Rawlins, M. A. and Karmalkar, A. V. (2024), Regime shifts in Arctic terrestrial hydrology manifested from impacts of climate warming, The Cryosphere, doi: 10.5194/tc-18-1033-2024 

Rodriguez-Fernandez, P et al (2024), Core performance predictions in projected SPARC first-campaign plasmas with nonlinear CGYRO, arXiv:2403.15633 [physics.plasm-ph] 

Sabti, Nashwan et al (2024), GALLUMI: A Galaxy Luminosity Function Pipeline for Cosmology and Astrophysics, arXiv: 2110.13168 [astro-ph.CO]  

Schrecengost, Anna et al (2024), Divergent marine anaerobic ciliates harbor closely related Methanocorpusculum endosymbionts, bioRxiv, doi: 10.1101/2024.03.12.584670

Sonnert, N.D. et al (2024), A host–microbiota interactome reveals extensive transkingdom connectivity, Nature, doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-07162-0 

Yang, Qianwan et al (2024), Wide-Field, High-Resolution Reconstruction in Computational Multi-Aperture Miniscope Using a Fourier Neural Network, arXiv: 2403.06439 [physics.optics]  

Ye, Cassandra Tong  et al (2024), Leveraging uncertainty quantification in adaptive multiphoton microscopy acquisition, Proc. SPIE Computational Optical Imaging and Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Sciences, doi: 10.1117/12.2692749 

Do you have news about research using computing resources at the MGHPCC? If you have an interesting project that you want to tell people about or a paper you would like listed, contact 


MGHPCC Publications

Research projects

A Future of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Yale Budget Lab
Volcanic Eruptions Impact on Stratospheric Chemistry & Ozone
The Rhode Island Coastal Hazards Analysis, Modeling, and Prediction System
Towards a Whole Brain Cellular Atlas
Tornado Path Detection
The Kempner Institute – Unlocking Intelligence
The Institute for Experiential AI
Taming the Energy Appetite of AI Models
Surface Behavior
Studying Highly Efficient Biological Solar Energy Systems
Software for Unreliable Quantum Computers
Simulating Large Biomolecular Assemblies
SEQer – Sequence Evaluation in Realtime
Revolutionizing Materials Design with Computational Modeling
Remote Sensing of Earth Systems
QuEra at the MGHPCC
Quantum Computing in Renewable Energy Development
Pulling Back the Quantum Curtain on ‘Weyl Fermions’
New Insights on Binary Black Holes
Network Attached FPGAs in the OCT
Monte Carlo eXtreme (MCX) – a Physically-Accurate Photon Simulator
Modeling Hydrogels and Elastomers
Modeling Breast Cancer Spread
Measuring Neutrino Mass
Investigating Mantle Flow Through Analyses of Earthquake Wave Propagation
Impact of Marine Heatwaves on Coral Diversity
IceCube: Hunting Neutrinos
Genome Forecasting
Global Consequences of Warming-Induced Arctic River Changes
Fuzzing the Linux Kernel
Exact Gravitational Lensing by Rotating Black Holes
Evolution of Viral Infectious Disease
Evaluating Health Benefits of Stricter US Air Quality Standards
Ephemeral Stream Water Contributions to US Drainage Networks
Energy Transport and Ultrafast Spectroscopy Lab
Electron Heating in Kinetic-Alfvén-Wave Turbulence
Discovering Evolution’s Master Switches
Dexterous Robotic Hands
Developing Advanced Materials for a Sustainable Energy Future
Detecting Protein Concentrations in Assays
Denser Environments Cultivate Larger Galaxies
Deciphering Alzheimer’s Disease
Dancing Frog Genomes
Cyber-Physical Communication Network Security
Avoiding Smash Hits
Analyzing the Gut Microbiome
Adaptive Deep Learning Systems Towards Edge Intelligence
Accelerating Rendering Power
ACAS X: A Family of Next-Generation Collision Avoidance Systems
Neurocognition at the Wu Tsai Institute, Yale
Computational Modeling of Biological Systems
Computational Molecular Ecology
Social Capital and Economic Mobility
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